Evolve 9 - New Editor UI (beta)!
The Evolve team has been working hard on updating the user interface to make your content creation process easier, quicker and more enjoyable.
We’re excited to say that from 9th February 2022 with the release of Evolve v9.0, a beta version of these updates will be available in your instance for you to start using yourselves!
This page has been curated with resources to help you learn about the changes and benefits, and help you get to use the new UI yourself.
Fast facts
The main focus for this release is the new and improved course builder, with exciting new functionality such as:
- The ability to drag and drop content across your course.
- Quick updates across content without leaving the Page Builder.
- Quick add for components.
- A full course overview on-screen to help you quickly navigate around your content.
- Improved features for collaboration so you can see exactly where another editor is working.
Before and after
Below you can see the difference in look and operation of the Evolve Builder. Before we had separate Course Builder, Page Builder and Property Panel pages.

Going forward, Evolve now has ONE combined editor page as seen below :

- The Editor Toolbar (1); where you can access other areas of your course: Extensions, Themes, Settings, Logic, Reviews and Versions.
A new Course Outline (2); where you can quickly navigate around your course and reorder content by dragging and dropping.
An improved Page Builder (3); with new drag and drop functionality for speedier reordering of content.
- We’ve tidied this up by moving common actions to the new Page Builder Toolbar (4), which dynamically updates depending on what you’ve selected.
The handy Property Panel; (5) also dynamically updates depending on the content selected, making quick edits to a course much easier.
- It’s possible to enlarge this panel using the expand icon, top right.
How do I use the new editor?
As long as your Evolve instance has been updated to v9.0 the new editor option is built right in. You simply choose which editor you want to use from the Courses list as seen below:
Edit in New Editor opens up a new window with the new builder UI
Edit will take you to use the existing editor as usual

Alternatively, you can also switch to the new editor from inside a course opened in the old editor, by using the button indicated below.

A dedicated feedback form is available at the link below for you to send thoughts, issues, bugs or questions about the new UI during the beta phase. Send us your feedback via this form rather than contacting the support team.

Evolve UI Feedback

Watch the video
In this short video, Nairi Booloozian walks through the new interface explaining how things have changed.
The Resources on the Evolve Hub are being updated to cover the new interface, so check those out, especially the all-new icon guide:

Evolve Icons Guide
A guide to the icons and buttons found in the new editor.

Question & Answer
Below are answers to some questions you may have when you first start using the new editor.
Do I have to start using it right away?
No. In the case you are in the middle of an important project or have a tight deadline, we've ensured that you are still able to use the existing editor for now. We do recommend you familiarize yourself with the new functionality as soon as you can though, to start benefiting from the new features!
How long will the beta phase last?
The dual functionality will be available for around 2 months while we gather feedback (which you can provide using this form). We will share more information as this phase progresses.
Where can I add my Course Title and edit course-wide settings?
Select the cog icon in the Editor toolbar.
Where can I set my menu style?
Select the cog icon in the Editor toolbar and then navigate to the Menu tab.
Where are Logic Dialogs?
Select the lightning icon in the Editor toolbar to go to Logic then select the Dialogs tab.
How can I view and manage the state of my course?
You can view the current state of the course at the top of the new editor screen. Clicking on this will let you manage how the course sets a state.
How can I check my course activity?
Select “Edited x ago” at the top of the new editor screen.
How can I see who else is currently editing my course?
If someone else is in your course you will see their initials in the top right of the screen; they will be assigned a colour that can be used to identify them. This colour will be seen highlighting the item they are currently editing in the course outline and in the property panel.
How do I make a component half-width?
Select the component you wish to resize and select the arrow icon in the top toolbar.
How do I switch sides of half-width components?
Select the component you want to move and select the switch side icon in the toolbar.
You can join our launch webinar on Wednesday 16 February at 10.30 am EST to hear an update and ask any questions. Use the link to enrol:

Evolve UI Launch

If you can't make it don't worry as it will be recorded and available on the Evolve Hub afterwards.
We also ran a webinar about the new UI back in December which you can watch at any time, and we are planning an Evolve Course Building workshop using the new UI very soon - so watch this space!
Any questions?
If you have any questions or need further help:
- Fill in the Feedback Form
- Ask in the Evolve Community
- email education@intellum.com
We hope you enjoy the update and thank you for using Evolve!