Create & Manage Social Feed
Feed — available as an app within Intellum Social — allows users to discuss specific topics and interact via posts and comments.
This article provides an overview of creating and managing users and feeds in Intellum Social.
Create New Feeds & Add Users
Admins (and users if allowed) can create new feeds directly in the Feed page. Simply click Create New Feed at the top left of the page.
When you create a new feed, you are asked to define the Membership Mode for that feed - this determines how users are added to the feed and how the feed's membership is managed:
Invite Only
Users are to be added via a feed invite link; the link can be emailed or posted for users to follow and join.
Group Only
Users are mapped based on an existing Group membership in the Intellum platform. Intellum Platform Groups are added through an Intellum Social feed's Properties - by an admin. Users may need to log out and log back in to Social be able to see the new feed.
When users are added to a feed, they will then have access through the Feed navigation icon in the Intellum platform.
Feed Settings
As an admin, you have access to the Activities, Members, and Properties of every feed within your Social Organization. You'll also have access to the Moderation page that lists all flagged and removed content.
If you don't see the Properties tab for a feed, go to the Members tab and grant yourself Moderator access. Non-admin feed moderators have access to the Properties tab and feed Moderation only for the feeds they've been assigned to.
A listing of the members of a feed - if the feed's membership mode was set to Invite Only, you'll find the invite link in the Members tab. Simply click + Invite Members to access the link.
Note: Users will not appear in a feed's Members tab until they successfully log in to Social for the first time.
A feed's Properties gives you access to:
- Feed Name: The feed's name.
- Description: A summary of the feed's purpose or focus.
- Sticky Note: A note pinned to the top of a feed.
- Hero Image: Upload or update the feed's Hero Image, visible to feed members on the Feed page. This option is only available if custom hero images are allowed in the Admin Group Settings.
- Posting Restrictions: Enable the Only Moderators property to restrict new posts to feed moderators. Feed members can comment on posts, but have no access to create new posts.
- Hide Activities: Activities older than the defined time period will no longer be accessible in the feed.
- Remove Activities: Activities older than the defined time period will be permanently deleted if enabled.
- Notifications: Set the default notification settings for new users in the feed. Default settings can be:
- Never
- When I Am Mentioned
- Always
Intellum Platform Groups: If the feed's membership mode was set to Group Only, you can add all users in an Intellum Platform Group as members.
Click Save Changes when you make changes to any properties.
Removing & Flagging Content
Admins, feed moderators, and Auto-Moderation can remove a post or comment. Admins, feed moderators, and users can flag a post or comment. Click the three dot icon on a post or comment and select Remove or Flag.
Auto-Moderation will automatically remove posts and comments that contain inappropriate content that does not pass through the AI filter.
Admins can set flag limits to automatically remove content that is flagged enough. To learn how to auto-remove flagged content, please see the following article:

Intellum Social App Settings

Moderation Page
Feed moderators can access a moderation page via the Moderation tab in the top left of the Feed page. Here they can see the posts and comments under their moderated feeds that were flagged, removed, or auto removed. Filtering options are available in the top right of the page.
Feed moderators can click the three dots icon to the right of each post or comment and select Unflag, Remove, or Restore, depending on the status of the post or comment. When restoring a post or comment, a reason must be provided by the moderator before they can select Restore Content.

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