Review & Comment on Evolve Courses
The review process is made efficient and easy within Evolve. In this article, we'll walk you through the review process for courses, as well as how you can comment on finished work to provide feedback to teammates.
Add Reviewers
Before your course is placed in a review state, ensure that your reviewers have an Evolve account. You have the ability to add an unlimited number of reviewers to your Evolve instance at no extra cost.
Follow the steps below to create accounts for your reviewers:
- Select Users to the left of your screen. Make sure you're not in an Evolve Course.
- Select Add User.
Enter the reviewer's details.
Change their role type to Reviewer.
Select Add User.

Create a Review
Follow the steps below to create a review:
Select the course you want reviewed and select the Reviews icon.
Select the + icon.
Enter a name for the review — this may the first review of many, so be sure to name it clearly.
Select the users you wish to include in the review.
Decide whether to enable Allow Reviewers To View All Course Comments. This will mean that users with the Reviewer role will be able to see all comments made on a course, including any comments made on a course prior to the course being put up for review.
Decide whether to enable Allow Reviewers To View Tags. This means that users with the Reviewer role will be able to see and use all tags.
Select Create.

Once the review is created, reviewers will receive an email notifying them of the new review. You can select the review in the review list under the + icon and edit settings and add additional reviewers as needed.
To view the review you have created, select View in Reviews at the top right of the screen.
View a Review
To view a review on a course, select Reviews in the left navigation of Evolve. Once there, you can search for the specific reviewed course and your review and open the live preview by selecting Load Review.

Comments Tab
Comments will be pulled from comments made directly in the live preview review (only course-wide comments should be added here — not block/article-specific, etc.).
Comments can also be added to the course in the Comments tab.
Filter comments by status and users by selecting the desired filters in the Status and Filters dropdowns.
Select the three dots icon and edit or delete comments as needed.
Select Resolve to close a comment and Reopen to reopen a comment. A resolved comment will disappear from the comments list unless the Resolved filter is selected.

Reviewers Tab
Reviewers should leave an overall summary of their feedback on this tab and mark the review as passed (if applicable).

Settings Tab
Choose to set the review as complete and pick from the three options in the popup.
Send a feedback reminder to all reviewers who haven’t left any feedback yet.

Enabling Comments
In order to turn on the Comments functionality, you will need to select the Comments icon in the top toolbar of your course and enable Show Comments in Preview.

Comments can be made in the live preview, course editor, and the Comments tab for a course in the Reviews page.
Live Preview: To add comments in the live preview, Show Comments in Preview must be enabled.
Comments in editor: Add comments when editing the course using the comments panel on the right-hand side of the screen.
All comments made in a course, regardless of origin, are visible on the live preview and comments overview.
Manage Comments
When putting up a course for review, you may hide any comments made outside of a course review.
To manage comments, start by selecting the Comments icon in the top toolbar of your course:
Comment directly to other users by using the @ functionality.
Edit or delete comments using the three dots icon in a comment.
Reply to comments to keep discussions in one thread.
Resolve a comment once complete - keep the Resolved filter off to keep your comments organized.
Filter comments by user (the user that created the comment) and by @mentions (users who have been mentioned in a comment).
If you have any unresolved comments, select the View Page/Article/Block button on a comment; you’ll be taken directly to the item so you can easily resolve it.

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