Text Components
Within a page, you are able to add multiple components to build and structure your content. Adding text to your activities can be done easily within the Intellum platform.
In this article, we'll walk you through adding and formatting text components.
Add a Text Component
Simply start typing to add a new text component to a page. To remove text components, select the text you would like to delete and hit "delete" or "backspace" on your keyboard.
While editing a text component, you can hit "enter" twice to create a new text component at that point.
Format Text Components
The styling ribbon lets you bold or italicize text, add a hyperlink, add H1 or H2 headers, create bulleted or numbered lists, or format text as a blockquote.

Heads up!
You can use common keyboard commands within Pages to format selected text (e.g. Ctrl/Cmd + b to bold your text). You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + z to undo changes to text, restoring content that was altered or deleted.
Pages support markdown to assist in formatting. For example, you can use markdown and enter *** at the beginning of a new line to separate your text or components with a horizontal line.

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