User Guide: Q&A
Accessible with Intellum Social, Q&A helps you explore learning in the Intellum platform through a shared space for fellow learners, instructors, and experts to collaborate around the best answers to a question.
In this article, we’ll cover accessing, navigating, and using Q&A.
Access Q&A
Once Intellum Social and the Q&A app are enabled for your account, click on the Q&A icon in your organization's app switcher at the top left of your current page to access Q&A.
Q&A Features
Q&A Home Page
When you navigate to Q&A, the following navigation items and features are available:
Search Q&A: A search bar where you enter text to look up existing questions and answers.
Topics: Displays a list of topics on the left-hand side of the Q&A home page.
Recent Questions list: The latest questions asked by Q&A members.
Ask a Question button: Submit a question to the Q&A.
Search & Topics
Click in the Search Q&A search bar at the top right of the page to access the search function. Type out words or phrases such as a feature or issue you have a question about and press the enter/return key. All questions and answers that contain the searched word or phrase will appear.
Topics can be accessed in the Topics menu to the left of the Q&A home page.
Clicking a topic will filter the questions list to the questions under the topic.
What Makes Up a Question?
At the top of each question, you can view how long ago the question was asked, who asked the question, and which topic the question is associated with. You’ll also be able to see how many answers a question has.
Solved questions are indicated by a green check mark icon. Only admins and users who asked a question can solve or unsolve the question.
You can click the up or down arrows to upvote or downvote a question. The same applies to answers.
Click the hyperlinked answers to view all answers to a specific question.
For a question you have asked, click the three dots in the upper right corner of your question to edit or remove it. The same applies to answers.
Recent Questions
You can view and respond to recent questions in the Recent Questions list of the Q&A home page under the Ask a question button. Recent questions are automatically filtered by the newest asked questions. To sort by recent activity or how many votes each question has, click the drop-down icon in the Sort By filter menu and select Recent Activity or Votes.
You can continuously click Show more questions at the bottom of the page to reveal additional questions asked further back.
Ask a Question
You can post a question by clicking Ask a question. Select a topic for your question via the drop down menu. Next, enter a title and description.
The following text formatting is available for questions:
Block quote
Hyperlink (includes Exceed embed models for Pages, CourseWares such as Evolve and SCORM, and Assessments/Surveys)
File attachments
Flagging Content
If you see a question or answer you feel is inappropriate, you can flag the content to alert a Q&A moderator.
Click the three dots in the upper right corner of the question and select the Flag option. A pop up will appear asking for further information. This process also applies to answers.
Once the flag is submitted, a Q&A moderator will review the question or answer and decide whether to remove the content or remove the flag.
If your admins have set up auto-removal for flagged content, some flagged content will disappear after receiving the minimum number of flags. This minimum number is set by your admins.
Email notifications for your organization's Q&A are sent in the following instances:
- When a question is created or replied to under a topic you follow
Replies to your questions
Direct mentions
When an admin solves a question

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