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Intellum Release Notes | 2024


July 23

AI Personalized Learning Enhancements (Intellum Labs - Update)

AI Assistant can now dig into course content and learning objectives so that learners receive even better recommendations for their Personalized Learning Plans. Previously, AI Assistant only had access to the course title and description due to context size constraints.

Learn more about AI Personalized Learning

July 16

Xvoucher as Payment Method (Intellum E-Commerce - Feature)

Intellum E-commerce now supports Xvoucher as a payment gateway option. Xvoucher simplifies global distribution, tracking, and tax compliance by providing secure transaction processing and a flexible voucher system. Using Xvoucher, you can provide learners with redemption codes, promo codes, and more to make it easy to sell paid content around the globe.

Learn more about Intellum E-commerce payment methods

July 9

Narrative Component Screen Reader Compatibility (Evolve - Update)

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve accessibility we have updated the Narrative component to provide a better experience for learners using a screen reader. When accessed by a screen reader device, content is read in a logical order, regardless of settings applied in Appearance > Slide Item Layout.

July 2

Chat Update (Intellum Platform and Social - Update)

Typing Dots Indicator: As we expand Chat capabilities within the Intellum product offering, we have made several updates to make it clearer when a human or AI Assistant is composing a response in a conversation. These changes apply to all Intellum products that utilize the Chat feature.

  • When a human or AI Assistant is composing a response, a new three-dot typing indicator appears in the chat, below the most recent response.
  • The typing indicator floats within the Chat, allowing you to scroll through the chat and remain aware that someone is writing a response.
  • This update removes the ‘[Persona Name is typing…] identifier.

June 25

Various minor improvements to ensure Intellum continues to provide you with the best possible experience.

June 18

Personalized Learning (Intellum Labs - Feature)

The newest AI feature available in Intellum Labs, AI Personalized Learning allows Intellum Admins to automatically:

  • Collect personalized learner information through a conversational experience focused on career goals and skill set.

  • Easily generate custom learning profiles based on learner and admin input.

  • Present learners with tailored learning plans that accelerate onboarding and learning and reduce drop-off.

Learn more about AI Personalized Learning and Intellum Labs.

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum E-Commerce - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following update:

  • Payment Type Radio Buttons: The radio buttons when paying by credit card for training credits have been updated to accommodate the use of assistive technology.

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

Topic Code Now Included for Challenges (Intellum Platform - Update)

When a platform administrator is creating a challenge, the topic code now appears in the dropdown list. This is useful when an organization has topics with the same name, but different locales, as it makes it easier to recognize which topic should be associated with the challenge.

Learn more about challenges and Reputation-Based Gamification in the Intellum Platform

June 11

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum E-Commerce - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following updates specifically for the Intellum E-commerce Checkout page:

  • Color Contrast for Breadcrumb: The breadcrumb on the checkout page for purchasing training credits or courses has been updated to provide sufficient color contrast for sites with standard theming.

  • Color Contrast for Add Promo Code link: The Add Promo Code link on the checkout page for purchasing training credits or courses has been updated to provide sufficient color contrast for sites with standard theming.

  • Cursor Focus in Review & Confirm Modal: The cursor focus now remains trapped in the payment confirmation modal when purchasing training credits or courses to prevent unintentional tab interactions on the main page.

Additional Accessibility items coming over the next several weeks as we continue to improve the Platform experience for all users.

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

"Welcome to Evolve" Course Template (Evolve - Update)

New Intellum Evolve instances now include a new “Welcome to Evolve” course preloaded onto the user’s Courses page. This course serves as a guide for beginners on exploring Intellum Evolve. The course is also available as a Course Template, in both new and existing Intellum Evolve instances.

Learn more about using Templates in the Intellum Evolve 102 Workshop.

June 4

New Intellum Support Portal (Support Services - Update)

This all-new, self-service hub is your one-stop destination for quickly finding:

  • Technical documentation links

  • Release notes

  • Status Pages for the Intellum Platform and Intellum Evolve

  • Upcoming workshops and trainings

  • Where approved Admin users submit support tickets

We will be adding additional functionality in the coming months, so keep your eyes peeled for enhancements!

Get started with the Intellum Support Portal today!

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Platform - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following update:

  • File Upload Question Types: The Choose File button on file upload question types has been updated to provide sufficient color contrast for sites with standard theming.

Additional Accessibility items coming over the next several weeks as we continue to improve the Platform experience for all users.
Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

Attendance Report Processing Alert (Intellum Platform - Update)

The best things come to those who wait. Sometimes it takes a few minutes after the conclusion of an event for the Intellum Platform to receive attendance data from the connected web conferencing tool. You will no longer be in the dark when that processing is happening in the background.

  • New banner alert message on enrollments and facilitator page: When attendance information is delayed coming from a web conferencing tool, the enrollments and facilitators page will display an alert banner across the top of the screen that reads: “Attendance report has not been processed yet, please check back in about 1 hour.”

May 28

Enhanced Communication for Waitlisted Learners (Intellum Platform - Feature)

Account Administrators can now send Letters to waitlisted learners without approving or denying enrollment. This update allows Admins the ability to leverage Letters for Waitlisted Learners the same way they can with course Participants.

This new option is available from the ‘Request’ list in the Admin Navigation panel or from a non-scheduled Activity or Session with ‘Enrollment Request’ or ‘Waitlist’ enabled. The ‘Send Letter’ option is in the ‘More’ dropdown menu, next to ‘Approve’ and ’Deny’.

Event Purchases Now at the Session Level (Intellum E-commerce - Update)

Previously, Learners purchased an Event before seeing the available sessions. This led to confusion and frustration. With this update, Learners now directly purchase the specific event session that suits their schedule. Learners can still switch Sessions if the originally purchased Session no longer works for them.

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Platform - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following update:

  • Drag-and-Drop Question Types: The element containing the list items has been assigned the role of “listbox” and given an accessible name to accommodate assistive devices.

Additional Accessibility items coming over the next several weeks as we continue to improve the Platform experience for all users.

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

Accessibility Improvements

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following update:

  • File Upload Question Types: The Choose File button on file upload question types has been updated to provide sufficient color contrast for sites with standard theming.

Additional Accessibility items coming over the next several weeks as we continue to improve the Platform experience for all users.

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

Zoom Authentication Token Instability

We’ve added an enrollment processing indicator for our web conferencing tools

  • Add flash message to enrollments and facilitator page: Zoom was not appropriately sending learner attendance reports 20 min after an event concluded. We have updated our platform to include a flash message in facilitator view and enrollments view for when attendance reports for scheduled content may still be coming through from the web conferencing provider

May 21

Various minor improvements to ensure Intellum continues to provide you with the best possible experience.

May 14

Clearer Zoom Registration Error Message (Intellum Platform - Update)

When adding a Zoom Event’s host to that Platform Event as the Event facilitator, Zoom sometimes returns an error. This is due to Zoom’s API rate limit on how many times a Zoom user can be added to a meeting in a 24-hour period. The previous error message in the Intellum Platform was generic and only indicated that “an unexpected error” had occurred. This update clarifies what the error is and how to resolve it.

  • New Error Message: “Oops! User has hit Zoom’s three-registration daily limit for meeting id. Please wait 24 hours and try again.”

Article Indicator Extension (Intellum Evolve - Feature)

When using the Article Indicator Extension within a course, you can specify which Articles are included, either within the Extension or in the ‘Article Indicator’ section within each Article, allowing content creators greater control over article visibility.

  • By default, the toggle is ON for all Articles within the course.

New Setting for Text Input Component (Intellum Evolve - Feature)

  • Appearance > Automatically Size Input Fields? will determine the longest correct answer (or use the length of the placeholder text if that's longer) and then use that to calculate the width of the input field, including enough space on the right-hand side to allow for marking icons. This setting will be enabled by default. If that setting is not enabled, the width can be modified by entering the Input Field Width in pixels for each Text Input Item.

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Evolve - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, Evolve has released the following updates:

  • Item Labels When Hamburger Menu is Disabled: When the hamburger menu is disabled for a theme, the side navigation items would only display when hovering with a mouse. This update makes the label visible when using keyboard tabbing and allows it to be read by a screen reader.

Learn more about Accessibility in Evolve.

May 7

Various minor improvements to ensure Intellum continues to provide you with the best possible experience.

April 30

Custom Registration and Learner Profile Page Updates! (Intellum Professional Services)

First impressions are important, which is why Intellum Professional Services offers the ability to customize learner registration and profiles to reflect your brand and ensure you’re gathering the information you need to tailor learning experiences at scale.

Now, we’re making this even easier, with updated customization capabilities and registration options to choose from, including these:

  • unlimited nesting condition logic for more dynamic forms

  • custom styling options to match your brand's unique aesthetic

  • multi-page forms complete with progress indicators

  • expanded localization support, ensuring accessibility and alignment with your global brand identity

Note: Professional Services customizations are not included with the Intellum Platform fee and are implemented at an additional cost.

Learn more about Intellum’s Professional Services.

Accessibility Improvements (Evolve - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following update:

  • Gif Component Stop/Play: Learners are now able to stop/play gif component animations that last more than 5 seconds, either by mouse or via keyboard navigation. You can also add a poster image to a gif which will display when paused. These new settings can be found in the Gif and Behavior tabs in the Gif component.

Learn more about Accessibility in Evolve.

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Platform - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following update:

Trap Cursor Focus in the Event Session’s “More Details” Modal: When a learner selects the “More Details” link for an event session, the cursor focus will now stay in the full page modal, preventing the user from tabbing through hidden items back on the main page.

ARIA-SELECTED and ARIA-CONTROLS moved to tab roles elements: These attributes have been moved from the parent LI element to the element with ROLE=TAB.

Additional Accessibility items coming over the next several weeks as we continue to improve the Platform experience for all users.

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

April 23

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Platform - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following update:

  • Session Items for an Event: In the learner view of an event, if there is more than one session the <li> elements for the sessions are now grouped under the same parent element.

April 16

See Activity Indicators While Browsing Topics (Intellum Platform - Feature)

While browsing Topics, learners can now quickly see which content is recommended, required, or completed. The status of an activity is indicated with the same icons shown when browsing content on the home page or in search results.

Learn more about using Topics in the Intellum Platform.

April 9

Now make it easier for a learner to update their user profile. If you appended your instance’s URL with /profiles/edit you will be taken to the page to edit your profile and user settings.

Additionally, a new variable for Letters dynamically adds the URL to a user’s profile settings page when sending Letters to learners. The recipient will be taken directly to the page to edit their profile when they click the URL, rather than having to click through to the edit page.

Learn more about editing your profile within the Intellum Platform.

New Locale: Spanish (Mexico) (Intellum Platform - Update)

A locale has been added to the Intellum Platform for Mexican Spanish to allow for even greater personalization and customization when translating content for Spanish-speaking learners.

Learn more about Locales and the Intellum Platform.

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum E-Commerce - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following updates:

  • Purchase Credits page language attribute: When purchasing training credits, the HTML element now has a language attribute representing the locale of the page.

Additional Accessibility items are coming over the next several weeks as we continue to improve the Intellum experience for all users.

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

April 2

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Platform - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following updates:

  • Toggles for Topic Filters in Search Results: Improvements made to the text displayed to better accommodate screen-readers and other assistive technology.
  • My Profile Page Tabs: Updated the tab role so that it’s assigned to the correct elements.
  • ARIA-describedby References: Removed additional single quotation marks from the values for ARIA-describedby error messages.

Additional Accessibility items coming over the next several weeks as we continue to improve the Platform experience for all users.

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

March 26

Intellum Announcement: In-App Messaging and Notifications

Discover the newest features, actionable tips, and timely training sessions as you navigate through the Intellum Platform and Evolve. Intellum will soon start serving you in-app notifications, delivered using Userpilot, a product experience software.

NOTE: Userpilot is not an Intellum product. If you are interested in learning more about delivering in-app messages and notifications to your users with Userpilot, please visit

Example of an in-app Product Update notification.

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Evolve - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, Evolve has released the following updates:

  • Title for Media Transcripts: Added a global title field for setting the title of a media transcript. Once set, the transcript title is now clearly differentiated from the transcript text in the pop-up. Set a global title in Course Settings > Globals > Media > Transcript Popup Title.
  • Updated Subtitle and Audio Description icons and labels: Changed the default tooltip text and icons used to indicate the current state for video subtitles or audio description. This text can be customized in Course Settings > Globals > Media
  • Flip Card Components Keyboard Operability: Flip Card Components can now be toggled by pressing the spacebar on the learner’s keyboard.

Learn more about Accessibility in Evolve.

Improved Password Security (Intellum Evolve - Update)

Evolve passwords just got stronger. Now, when an Evolve user updates their password or creates a new password, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 12 characters long (increased from 10)

  • Not appear on the forbidden password list (passwords commonly known to be security risks).

In addition, we have removed prior complexity restrictions that limited which characters could be used in a password.

Learn more about updating passwords in Evolve.

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Social - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following updates:

  • Social Groups “Sort By” select: Replaced ARIA label with element containing dropdown menu options.

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

March 19

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Platform - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following updates:

  • History Page Filter now closes: On the learner-view History page, the keyboard can be used to navigate to and open the dropdown for the Filter options. It now closes when the user navigates away from it.

  • View All links on home page: The heading of the section containing the View All link now has an id whose value matches the value of the link’s aria-described by attribute.

  • Profile Page button contrast: Against either a dark or light background image, the borders of the Topics Followed and User Setting buttons now have at least a 3:1 color contrast.

  • Ratings and Reviews fully accessible: Focus is returned to the ratings stars after the review modal is closed.

  • Association of Current Password label in Reset Password form: the html label for the Current Password input now points correctly to current_password

  • Matching and Sequence Questions: improved accessibility for these two assessment questions

Additional Accessibility items coming over the next several weeks as we continue to improve the Platform experience for all users.

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Social - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following updates:

  • Social Groups member access select: ARIA label is appropriately applied

Learn more about Accessibility and the Intellum Platform.

March 12

Default ARIA Labeling for Buttons Updated (Intellum Evolve - Maintenance)

The default behavior for ARIA labels on buttons has been updated to match accessibility best practices. Now, any button that has ‘Button Text’ set by Evolve defaults (ex: “Submit” or “Reset”) has no default ARIA label.

The ARIA labels for buttons can be set manually by going to Course Settings > Globals > Buttons.

Learn more about Accessibility in Evolve.

March 5

Video on iPhone Now Plays Inline (Intellum Evolve - Feature)

When a learner accesses an Evolve course using an iPhone and Safari’s mobile browser, videos now begin playing inline.

February 27

Automated Learning Objectives (Intellum Platform - Labs)

Learning Objectives on Paths and Activities let you connect learner engagement to concrete goals, enhancing both motivation and the effectiveness of the learning experience.

Now, you can automatically generate those Learning Objectives with just a click.

Learn more about Automated Learning Objectives

February 20

Minor Updates (All Platforms - Maintenance)

Various minor improvements to ensure Intellum continues to provide the best possible experience.

February 13

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Platform - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following updates:

  • Correctly handle Matching Assessment Questions and Sequence Questions using keyboard navigation.

  • Provide a way for assistive technologies to present valid inputs when a user has an error on a form field.

February 6

Minor Updates (All Platforms - Maintenance)

Various minor improvements to ensure Intellum continues to provide the best possible experience.

January 30

Learning Objectives (Intellum Platform - Feature)

Learning Objectives are the heart of good instructional design, organizing content, providing a framework for learners to approach new concepts, and connecting engagement with learning outcomes in ways that can be measured and improved.

They serve as a roadmap for educators to tailor their teaching methods and materials effectively, ensuring that each element of the course contributes to these objectives.

Clear learning objectives speed up the acquisition and practical application of learner knowledge, enhancing both motivation and the effectiveness of the learning experience.

  • Manually add learning objectives for a Path or Activity.

  • Learners see the learning objectives on the overview of the Path or Activity.

Learn more about Learning Objectives.

Honorlock With Webex (Intellum Platform - Feature)

 Administrators and facilitators can now create scheduled Honorlock assessments that include a mandatory WebEx Meeting with a proctor for verifying the identity of the learner taking the exam.

Once the proctor has verified the student’s identity, the student is able to launch the Honorlock assessment and proceed as before, with WebEx remaining open during the exam. This additional layer of security gives clients extra assurance that only verified learners are taking assessments.

January 23

Minor Updates (All Platforms - Maintenance)

Various minor improvements to ensure Intellum continues to provide the best possible experience.

January 16

Minor Updates (All Platforms - Maintenance)

Various minor improvements to ensure Intellum continues to provide the best possible experience.

January 9

Accessibility Improvements (Intellum Platform - Maintenance)

As part of our ongoing commitment to Accessibility, we have released the following updates:

  • Event session action buttons now have distinct accessible text.

  • Icon navigation items are now accessible.

  • Rating and Reviews Modal on courses is now accessible before the course is completed.

Additional Accessibility items coming over the next several weeks as we continue to improve the Platform experience for all users.

Learn more about accessibility and the Intellum Platform.