Enable Q&A & Create Q&A Topics
Q&A — available as an app within Intellum Social — allows learners to interact with each other and find answers to their most common questions.
In this article, we’ll cover enabling Q&A from the admin perspective. We'll also cover how you can create and edit topics.
Enabling Q&A
Q&A is included in your subscription to Intellum Social. If you currently use Social and want to enable Q&A for your organization, please contact an Intellum representative.
Q&A Settings
As an admin, you can adjust Q&A settings such as user access in the Social tab of the Settings page. To learn more, please see the following article:

Intellum Social App Settings

Accessing Q&A Topics
The Intellum platform helps you organize your Q&A conversations using topics. Each topic you create will contain relevant questions from users. To create and edit topics, navigate to the Q&A page by clicking your profile image > Admin > Q&A.
Creating Topics
To create a new topic, click the + icon next to Topics at the top of the page and select Add New Topic. Alternatively, you can click the + icon to the left of an existing topic and select Add New Topic. New topics will always appear at the bottom of the Topics list.
When creating a new topic, an Add New Topic menu will appear. Within this menu, add a title and an optional description for your topic. Click Create Topic when done.
To further adjust a topic's settings, either click on the topic name, or click the three dots icon to the right and select Edit. A menu will appear where you can adjust the following:
Topic Title: Edit the title for your topic.
Topic Description: Edit the description for your topic.
Enable in Q&A: Click this checkbox to display this topic in your organization's Q&A page. If not checked, the topic will be disabled.
Add a moderator: Search for users and and grant them moderator rights for this specific topic.
Restrict this topic: Click this checkbox to restrict the topic to be seen only by specific groups. Search for the specific groups and add them as needed.
Add Tags: Search for specific tags and apply them to enhance organization, search results, and reporting. Unrestricted Admins can create new tags in the Tag Library.
Remember to click Save Changes when you are done editing.
Managing Topics
You can edit, duplicate, or delete a topic by clicking the three dots icon to the right of the topic's name and then selecting the desired option.
You can also rearrange the order of topics in the Topics list by clicking the six dots icon to the left of a topic's name and dragging the topic to the desired spot in the list.
Duplicating Topics
When you duplicate a topic, a menu will appear that is identical to the one you filled out when first creating the topic. The description of the copy will be identical, but "Copy of" will appear before the title.
Please note that a duplicated topic will not duplicate the original topic's questions.
Deleting Topics
To delete a topic, first make sure that it's disabled by unchecking Enable in Q&A in the topic's settings.
When deleting a topic, a prompt will appear confirming if you wish to proceed. Click Delete Topic again. All questions in a topic will be lost.
You can also delete a topic via the Edit menu.

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