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The Intellum platform gives you the ability to track and report on user component interactions within Evolve courses in your catalog.

This article includes a breakdown of each Evolve component property available for use in Evolve interaction reports, identifies the components associated with each property, and provides a description of the interaction each property tracks.

As a note, be sure to assign an Evolve component as the Course Attainment Method for any courses that will require interaction tracking. Defining a specific component prevents a learner from auto-completing an activity.

Heads Up!

Interaction data is not tracked after an activity is marked complete.

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Evolve Component Properties

Property Components Description
Enrollment evolve component is button disabled Action Button If the Action Button component's button is currently disabled
Enrollment evolve component completed at All The date and time when the component was completed
Enrollment evolve component has been viewed All If the component has been scrolled into the viewport of the browser
Enrollment evolve component has started All If the component has been started. This is different for each component, some are started when in view, others on first interaction.
Enrollment evolve component id All The unique id of the component
Enrollment evolve component interaction type All The type of interaction the component is eg Presentation, Question etc
Enrollment evolve component is complete All If the component has been completed
Enrollment evolve component is hidden All If the component is currently hidden. This can be set in the editor or by a Logic trigger's action.
Enrollment evolve component layout All The layout set for the component in the Evolve page builder - Left, Right, Full Width
Enrollment evolve component page location All The location of the component relative to the page.
Enrollment evolve component ref All The reference id of the component. This can be shared across multiple components eg across different translation versions of the same course
Enrollment evolve component viewed at All The date and time the component has been scrolled into the viewport of the browser
Enrollment evolve component page title All The Evolve title of the page the component is located
Enrollment evolve component title All The Evolve title of the component
Enrollment evolve component assignment Attachment
Open Input
Used for Bloom's assignments feature
Enrollment evolve component assessment score Branching The assessment score for the Branching component. Only used if the Branching component is setup as an assessment.
Enrollment evolve component current item Branching The current item the Game component is on
Enrollment evolve component has reached end item Branching If the learner has reached the end of a path in the Branching Component
Enrollment evolve component is passed Branching If the Branching component's assessment has been passed. Only used if the Branching component is setup as an assessment.
Enrollment evolve component previous items Branching The previous items that have been visited in the Branching component
Enrollment evolve component restarted count Branching The number of times the Branching component has been restarted
Enrollment evolve component score Branching The score the learner has achieved in the Branching component
Enrollment evolve component screens Capture Data for each of the Capture component's rounds
Enrollment evolve component selected answer Confidence Slider
Linked Confidence Slider
The answer selected by the learner in the Confidence Slider components
Enrollment evolve component average seconds Game The average time spent by the learner to answer each question in the Game component
Enrollment evolve component characters Game Used by the Game component to store the AI player data, only applicaple when the component is set to multiplayer mode
Enrollment evolve component completed questions count Game The number of questions that have been answered by the learner in the Game component
Enrollment evolve component correct questions count Game The number of questions that have been answered correctly by the learner in the Game component
Enrollment evolve component current points Game The current number of points that the Game component is on
Enrollment evolve component current rank Game The current rank that the Game component is on
Enrollment evolve component current round Game The current round that the Game component is on
Enrollment evolve component current round question Game The current round question that the Game component is on
Enrollment evolve component current streak Game The current streak (number of questions correct in a row) that the Game component is on
Enrollment evolve component is game ended Game If the game component has ended.
Enrollment evolve component rounds Game Data for each of the Game component's rounds
Enrollment evolve component selected character Game The character selected by the learner in the Game component
Enrollment evolve component streaks count Game The number of streaks (number of questions correct in a row) that the learner has achieved in the Game component
Enrollment evolve component total seconds Game The total amount of time the learner has spent on the Game component
Enrollment evolve component metrics Media Video player data that shows view count, total time watched and other properties.
Enrollment evolve component current index Narrative
Text Narrative
The current slide the Narrative/Text Narrative component is on
Enrollment evolve component attempts left Question Types Number of attempts remaining on a question type component
Enrollment evolve component attempts taken Question Types Number of attempts that were taken by the learner on a question type component
Enrollment evolve component correct at Question Types The date and time when the component was marked as correct
Enrollment evolve component has user answered Question Types If the question type component has been answered by the learner
Enrollment evolve component is correct Question Types If the component has been marked as correct
Enrollment evolve component is partly correct Question Types If the component is marked as partly correct
Enrollment evolve component user answer Question Types The answer selected by the learner in the component. Based on the component this can be a number, text or an id of the item selected.
Enrollment evolve component is flipped Single Flip Card If the flip card has been flipped reveal the content on the back side
Enrollment evolve component user feedback N/A This property is not currently in use

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