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553 results returned
  • Requirements for a Custom Domain

    This article gives an overview of the requirements for setting up a custom domain and the process you'll need to follow to share your SSL certificates with Intellum.

    • Duration 5m
    • Advanced
  • Variable Components

    This article dives into the new set of components that have been added to Evolve.

    • Duration 5m
    • Advanced
  • Course States in Evolve

    This article provides an overview of course states in Evolve and their benefits.

    • Duration 5m
    • Rating 2.0
    • Advanced
  • Check Logic in Your Course

    This article provides an overview of where you can double-check where Logic settings have been applied within your Evolve course.

    • Duration 7m
    • Advanced
  • Triggers

    This article provides you with an overview of triggers and how you can utilize them in Evolve courses.

    • Duration 10m
    • Rating 2.3
    • Advanced
  • Variables

    In this article, we'll go over what variables are in Evolve, how to store and display a value in variables, how to style a variable, and how to check a variable value.

    • Duration 9m
    • Rating 3.5
    • Advanced
  • Guideline 2.4 - Navigable

    This article details a point in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and what the implications are for creating accessible course content in Evolve and is part of a larger path. 

    • Duration 9m
    • Advanced
  • Image Optimization

    In this article, we provide recommended image sizes for content in Evolve course.

    • Duration 4m
    • Advanced
  • Display a Learner's Name Using Logic

    In this article, we’ll take a look at how you can use variables to manually store a learner’s name and reuse it elsewhere in your Evolve course. 

    • Duration 7m
    • Rating 1.0
    • Advanced
  • Use Triggers to Show Hidden Content

    In this article, we'll provide an overview of how you can hide content within your Evolve course and reveal it based on a trigger.

    • Duration 7m
    • Advanced
  • How to Create a Course Pre-Assessment Using Logic

    In this article, we’ll show you a simple example of how to use Logic in Evole to create a course with a pre-assessment, where if a user gets all the answers correct in the pre-assessment they will be shown the course...

    • Duration 10m
    • Rating 5.0
    • Advanced
  • Hide & Disable Evolve Content

    In this article, we'll overview how you can hide and disable course content in the settings of your course.

    • Duration 7m
  • Preview an Evolve Course

    This article provides an overview of how you can live preview content and pause live preview mode.

    • Duration 5m
    • Advanced
  • Use Logic with SCORM

    This article provides instructions on how you can use the Logic feature with SCORM.

    • Duration 5m
    • Rating 4.0
    • Advanced
  • Integrate with BlueJeans

    This path provides an overview of features offered by the BlueJeans platform integrations. It walks you through connecting Intellum to your BlueJeans account and creating BlueJeans meetings or events in the platform.  

    • Path
    • Intermediate
  • Add an Article to a Page

    This article outlines the process of adding an article to a page within an Evolve course.

    • Duration 2m
    • Rating 1.0
    • Advanced
  • Add/Remove Course Pages

    This article walks you through the process of adding a page to your Evolve course.

    • Duration 5m
    • Advanced