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If you are looking to delete your user account with Intellum, this is possible to do within your Profile settings. This article will walk you through how to delete your user account, step by step.

Heads Up!

If you do not see the option to delete your account within your profile settings, this means that the self-deletion feature has not been enabled for your organization. Please contact your organization directly for further assistance.

Follow the steps below to permanently delete your user account:

  1. Click your account profile icon.
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Settings.
  3. Click Delete Account.

A pop up will appear asking you to confirm your account deletion before final action is taken. Be sure to read through the pop up before following through with account deletion.

Once you've deleted your account, you will be directed to the homepage of your organization and the following message will be displayed to confirm that your account will be deleted.

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