Connect Intellum to Salesforce
The Intellum app for Salesforce adds learning data from your Intellum account to your Salesforce records. Connect Intellum to Salesforce to be able to review and report on Users, Activites, and Enrollments from your learning environment alongside the other business metrics you track.
This article covers the platform requirements for adding the Intellum app to Salesforce, connecting Intellum to Salesforce, and the Salesforce configuration needed to sync information from the Intellum platform.
Establishing a connection between Intellum and Salesforce requires work from Intellum Technical Services. Reach out to your Account Executive to discuss cost and implementation.
Platform Setup
To add the Intellum app to Salesforce, here’s what you’ll need:
- A Salesforce account with administrator access
- The Enable Salesforce integration feature enabled on your account
- Installation of the Intellum app from the Salesforce App Exchange
Things to note: This integration is a single direction sync as not to overwrite existing SFDC data.
Once connected, Unrestricted Admin will find the Salesforce integration reflected in the Apps tab in account Settings.

Install the Intellum App in Salesforce
Follow these steps to install the Intellum app:

- Log in to Salesforce as an administrator.
Visit the Salesforce App Exchange and install the Intellum app.
When prompted, select Install for All Users.
Click **Install.**

Configure the Intellum app:
After installation, you'll be asked to configure the app by adding a URL from any page in your Intellum account. For example:

Click the Activate button to authorize the Intellum app in Salesforce.
Installation screen time out:
In some cases the installation screen may time out while the Intellum app is being installed. Once you are notified that the app has successfully installed, you can find the post installation instructions for the app within Salesforce.
In Salesforce, visit Apps-> Packaging -> Installed Packages-> Intellum. Click the Intellum link, locate the Post Install Instructions and click View. Follow the instructions to complete the installation process.
Access Intellum data in Salesforce
Heads Up!
When the Intellum package is installed in Salesforce, it installs the Intellum objects, but not the Tabs for them. This means your Salesforce users won't see Intellum data until you've added custom Tabs.
To create Tabs that are viewable by your Salesforce users, follow the steps below:
- Confirm that you've already installed the Intellum package in Salesforce.
- Go to Set Up Menu.
- Search for Tabs in the Quick Find Box. Then, click Tab.
- Create a new custom tab for the first Intellum Object.
- Choose an Intellum Object (like "Intellum Users") to be applied to this Tab.
- Choose the Profiles you'd like this Tab to be visible for.
- Choose the Applications you want this Tab to be visible for.
- Repeat steps 1-7 for creating Tabs for the other Intellum objects.
- When finished, check to see if the new Intellum Tabs are visible within the assigned Application(s).
- After some users have been enrolled and completed activities within Intellum, check on the new data flow into these new Tabs.
Lastly, be sure you've whitelisted your Intellum domain for your learning site.
Your domain follows this pattern: ""
Things to Note: The above steps are specific to the integration between Intellum & Salesforce and subject to change. For answers on navigating this integration within Salesforce, don't hesitate to reach out to a Salesforce representative.
After a successful integration, you are able to add the following tabs to your Salesforce navigation for quick access to data from Intellum:
- Intellum Users
- Intellum Activities
- Intellum Enrollments

Trigger mapping examples
Select the file below for example code that can be customized to trigger mappings between the data synced from your learning environment and objects in Salesforce.
For example:
- When a new user is created in your learning environment, match the user to an existing Salesforce User/Contact/Lead
- When a user is updated in your learning environment, map the update to the related Salesforce User/Contact/Lead.
- Add Enrollments to a Salesforce User/Contact/Lead

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