Knowledge is power, right? Well, we’ve built a feature into our tool to ensure that you have knowledge on the inner workings of the system’s jobs, which serve as the backbone of your account.

The System Log displays a running list of scheduled procedures and tasks that have been or will be completed. This information paves the way for any Unrestricted Administrators in your account to determine whether critical jobs, including imports and integrations, were successfully run to completion.

This article covers accessing the System Log, gives an overview of System Log features and options, and breaks down the most common jobs, as well as common errors, you may encounter.


You’ll find direct access to the System Log in the left navigation menu while in Admin View.


There are two tabs at the top of the Queue Log:

  • Completed
    • By default, the Completed section page will be displayed. Here, you will see a list of all completed jobs in reverse chronological order.
  • Queued
    • View all upcoming/scheduled jobs.


The columns that are displayed on each page are:

  • Action - Shows the type of job the log entry represents.
  • Related - Any links to job details or job output. Usually, you will see here a Details link, which gives more information regarding what occurred as a result of the job, or basic troubleshooting information for a Warning or Failure status.
  • Requested By - The name of the User who started the job.
  • Date - The date and time the process was completed at.
  • Status - The job's final status (Success, Warning or Failure).

A colored dot represents each job's status:

  • Green - Success - This indicates successful completion of the job.
  • Orange - Warning - This indicates that there are issues that need to be investigated.
  • Red - Failure - This indicates that the entire job failed and changes/updates were not made.

If you are looking for a job with a specific status, you can use the Filter drop-down to sort the log entries by:

  • All - all completed jobs are displayed.
  • Success - only successful jobs are displayed.
  • Warning - only jobs with warnings are displayed.
  • Failure - only failed jobs are displayed.


Let’s take a look at the different types of scheduled procedures, system actions, and batch jobs that you might see in the System Log. Depending on your account setup, you might see the following types of jobs listed on this page:


  • User Import: Users created and/or updated by your User integration file.
  • Auto-enrollments: Users whose enrollment was automatically added by the system
  • Auto Enroll From Waitlist: System auto-enrolled Users who were on a waitlist for an event.
  • Bulk Enrollment: Users whose enrollment was manually added by an administrator.
  • Bulk Enrollment Update: Users whose enrollment was manually updated by an administrator


  • User Welcome Letters: List of email addresses the Welcome Letter was sent to.
  • Letter Triggers: Complete list of Letter Triggers and the email addresses they were sent to.


  • User Compliance: Checks User compliance status.
  • Upload to Cloud Storage And Transcode: Activity Upload.


  • Report Generation: Report that has been exported.
  • Subscribed Report Generation: Report that has been distributed via a subscription.


If you encounter a Failure status, click the Details link in the Related column for troubleshooting information that could be helpful in finding a solution to the problem.

Pro Tip: Always make sure you are using unique Activity/User/Enrollment Codes!

The following list includes common error messages and solutions that can accompany a Failure status:


  • Validation failed: Login has already been taken
    • The Login entered for this user is taken; to correct this, assign a new Login for this User.
  • Validation failed: Login can't be blank
    • The Login was left blank for this user; please enter a unique Login for the user.
  • Validation failed: Password can't be blank
    • All Users must be assigned a password for their accounts.
  • Validation failed: First Name can't be blank
    • The User's first name must be provided.
  • Validation failed: Last Name can't be blank
    • The User's last name must be provided.


  • Validation failed: Course can't be blank
    • Please provide a course name to correct this error.
  • Line 936 could not be imported. Error: Validation failed: Url has an invalid format
    • Occurs when URL is formatted incorrectly.
  • Line 14029 could not be imported. Error: Validation failed: Name is too short (minimum is 1 characters)
    • Occurs when course name is blank.
  • Line 2 could not be imported. Error: uninitialized constant Path
  • Line 3 could not be imported. Error: wrong constant name event
  • Line 4 could not be imported. Error: uninitialized constant link
    • Occurs when Activity type is not in all lowercase letters during import.


  • Line 145 could not be imported. Error: Validation failed: User can't be blank
    • Occurs when importing enrollments for Users who are not in the LMS.
  • Line 3752 could not be imported. Error: Validation failed: Completed On date can not be null unless status is in one of the following statuses: in-progress, assessment-completed, grading-peers or awaiting-peers. The status must be displayed as one of the following: passed or failed, no-show or incomplete, or dropped.
    • Occurs when importing completed enrollments without a Completed On date.
  • Course can't be blank.
    • Occurs when importing enrollments with no value for course code or if course does not currently exist in the LMS with the listed course code.


  • Line 3 could not be imported. Error: Validation failed: User can't be blank
    • Occurs when creating Groups that include users who are not in the LMS.

GENERAL INTEGRATIONS (can apply to any type of Import that has run)

  • Validation failed: Code must be unique
    • The code that was entered for this line of an import is identical to another line's given code.